Mail order the manufacturer's customized curtains with super low price.

Curtains can be ordered in 1 cm increments - made in Japan - sangetsu AC - Curtains can be ordered in 1 cm increments - made in Japan - sangetsu AC - AC6141 AC6142 AC6143 AC6144 AC6145 AC6146 AC6147 AC6148 AC6149 AC6150 AC6151 AC6152 AC6153 AC6154 AC6155 AC6156 AC6157 AC6158 AC6159 AC6160 AC6161 AC6162 AC6163 AC6164 AC616 AC6166 AC6167 AC6168 AC6169 AC6170 AC6171 AC6172 AC6173 AC6174 AC6175 AC6176 AC6177 AC6178 AC6179 AC6180 e-amrie

Curtain sangetsu AC Color's

Carefully selected the highest quality's custom-made curtain of the manufacturer-"Sangetsu".

It is a curtain with the theme of "comfortable to spend surrounded by favorite colors and designs while feeling the changing season".Easy to select in various housing scenes such as detached houses and condominiums, ease of coordination and color variation.

Sangetsu AC

Order Curtain sangetsu ac
Curtain: AC6168(A)・AC6168(B)・AC6172(A)・AC6175(A) Lace Curtain: AC6445

Product number of curtain fabric




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About measurement

On most curtains & window treatments it takes two times more material・curtain to provide the proper fullness in appearance when installed・hanging on rod than the actual window width.

Measure the width of the rod from left to right. A common rule for displaying curtains properly says the curtains finished width should be at least 2 times the width of your window (if not more - sheers can be 3 times the window width) to achieve a look of proper fullness.

Curtains Sangetsu

From curtain to roller blinds, Sangetsu offers over 4,000 window treatment products. With such wide variety of products, realizing your ideal space is a pleasant experience. Not only rich in color and texture, we have many washable curtain fabrics available. We also provide curtain fabrics especially designed to be used in clinics and hospitals with anti-bacterial and flame retardant (*Japanese standard) qualities.
